Posted on 11/23/2021

Land Rover sunroofs are an interior detail that adds enjoyment and fun to your drive. Sunroofs are great to look at and can make a Land Rover’s cabin feel more open and airy. Yet, when they fail, it can cause devastating problems for the cabin of your Land Rover. Serving as a barrier between rain and outside elements and the interior of your Land Rover, a sunroof can easily fall victim to a leak that can damage the cabin of your Land Rover. While some problems with a Land Rover’s sunroof revolve around the seal, others present themselves in the actual sunroof drains. Reasons for a Leaky Sunroof A Land Rover’s sunroof is made of many different, moving parts. This makes it easier for one or two parts to become faulty and lead to a disheartening leak that wettens the interior of your Land Rover. Common causes for a leaking ... read more