Posted on 1/25/2021

If your car runs on gasoline, it has spark plugs. (For diesel and electric vehicles, spark plugs aren’t used.) The way an engine runs is by delivering a spark to compressed fuel and air. This happens within four, six, or eight different cylinders, one spark plug for each cylinder. The spark plug receives voltage from the ignition system, allowing them to fire when the cylinder has maximum compression of air and fuel in it. The spark plug ignites the air in the cylinder, and the engine creates forward motion as a result of that explosion 6 Signs of Spark Plug Failure Spark plugs fire thousands of times a minute. Normally, they operate perfectly, allowing your engine to run smoothly. But eventually, after about 50,000 to 100,000 miles on average, you’ll encounter sp ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2021

Your vehicle’s check engine light is perhaps its most powerful warning system, as it can notify you of problems ranging from a loose gas cap to engine overheating. Unfortunately, because the check engine light can respond to such a wide variety of issues, it can sometimes be challenging to know how to react when it turns on. To help you with this challenge, here are a few key steps that work for responding to check engine light illuminations regardless of the source of the problem. Don’t Panic If your vehicle’s check engine light comes on while you’re driving, don’t panic. And unless the vehicle is showing other signs of engine failure, such as smoking or clunking noises, don’t pull over immediately, either. Inst ... read more